Hi Designing Water Cooled Condenser Tube Bundles!.
In application a water cooled condenser must reject the heat removed from the chilled water circuit plus the compressor work at specified water flow and entering & leaving temperatures. Water-cooled condenser has water on the tube side & refrigerant on the shell side. The unit compressor capacity and power consumption are functions of the refrigerant saturation temperature, among other operating parameters.
For the tube bundle, determine the flow areas and heat transfer areas.
Af=Nt*(π*Di2/4)/Np, tube side flow area, ft2
Ao=Nt*π*Do*L, shell side heat transfer area, ft2
Ai=Nt*π*Di*L, tube side heat transfer area, ft2
Aia= Nt*ai*L, tube side heat transfer area for fouling, ft2

ai=actual enhanced tube side area/ft, ft2/ft
B= Ao/ Ai
WhereB2=Ao/ Aia
Nt=number of tubes
Np=number of tube passes
Di=inside tube diameter, ft
Do=outside tube diameter, ft
L=length of tube, ft
There are two equations that apply
Q=mw*cp*( Two -Twi)
Q=Capacity, BTU/ Hr
Uo=Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, BTU/ (Hr-Ft2-oF)
LMTD=Log Mean Temperature Difference, oF
LMTD=(Two-Twi)/ln((Ts-Twi)/ (Ts-Two))
mw=Mass Flow of water, Lb/Hr
cp=Specific heat of water, BTU/(Lb-oF)
Ts=Refrigerant saturation temperature, oF
Twi=Entering Water Temperature, oF
Two=Leaving Water Temperature, oF
The overall heat transfer coefficient is a function of the refrigerant side coefficient, the tube metal resistance, the water side coefficient and the fouling resistance.
ho'=refrigerant side heat transfer coefficient, BTU/(hr-ft2-oF)
Note: The metal wall resistance is commonly included with the refrigerant side heat transfer coefficient. No fouling resistance allowance is needed on the refrigerant side.
hi=water side heat transfer coefficient, BTU/(hr-ft2-oF)
Rf=water side fouling resistance, (hr-ft2-oF)/BTU
A common engineering problem is to determine the refrigerant saturation given the condenser heat rejection, the water flow rate and the entering water temperature. The solution for Ts is as follows:
Using the two equations that determine Q
Substituting the equation for LMTD
Uo*Ao*( Two-Twi)/ln((Ts-Twi)/ (Ts-Two))=mw*cp*(Two-Twi)
Uo*Ao/ln((Ts-Twi)/ (Ts-Two))=mw*cp
ln((Ts-Twi)/ (Ts-Two))= Uo*Ao/mw*cp
C= Uo*Ao/mw*cp
ln((Ts-Twi)/ (Ts-Two))=C
(Ts-Twi)/ (Ts-Two)=eC
Ts-Twi =eC* Ts - eC * Two
eC * Two- Twi= eC* Ts-Ts
Ts=(eC*Two- Twi)/( eC -1)
Designers can perform these calculations using spreadsheets or computer programs to determine the operating saturation temperature for a given tube bundle in a chiller application, or to size heat exchanger tube bundles to meet the required heat rejection, saturation temperatures and water temperatures.